The Gardens of Democracy: A New American Story of Citizenship, the Economy, and the Role of Government

The Gardens of Democracy: A New American Story of Citizenship, the Economy, and the Role of Government - 'Eric Liu',  'Nick Hanauer' Very interesting book. Highly recommended to every body. It is short and accessible, but contains some very powerful ideas. I love the idea of society as a garden that needs tending, not as a machine that should be left to run of its own accord. Much of our current political and economic theory is based in 19th and 20th century Newtonian/deterministic science and philosophy. Well, our science has moved on, and we now know the world is much more complex, and inherently unpredictable (in some regards more than others), but our political philosophy is rooted in the old ways of thinking. I agree with the book, we need a new way to look at the world, a systems based approach, which factors in chaos and complexity and feedback loops.

Very thought provoking. My only possible complaint is there is was so short, and therefore did not delve too deeply into any of its arguments, though there is a nice section of suggested further reading at the back that I plan to take advantage of.